Keystone Correctional Services, Inc. has a zero tolerance for sexual abuse or sexual harassment of any individual under our supervision. Anyone who engages in, fails to report, or knowingly condones sexual abuse or sexual harassment of an offender shall be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination, and may be subject to criminal prosecution. A Reentrant, employee, contract service provider, visitor, volunteer, intern, and or any individual who has business with or uses the resources of Keystone Correctional Services, Inc. is subject to disciplinary action and/or sanctions, including possible dismissal and termination of contracts and services if he/she is found after investigation to have engaged in sexual harassment or sexual abuse with a Reentrant. A claim of consent will not be accepted as an affirmative defense for engaging in sexual harassment or sexual abuse of a Reentrant.
Reentrants have the ability to report sexual harrassment and/or abuse to any staff member, volunteer, contractor, or the PA State Police at anytime. They will be free from any form of retaliation. Family members and friends can also report any incident as well to the PREA Coordintor or the PA State Police.
The PREA Coordinator can be contacted by phone 717-651-0340 x 108 or by email If it is an emergency please contact the shift supervisor at 717-651-0344.
The following documents are available to the public
Annual Report (download here)
2023 Audit Report (download here)
2020 Audit Report (download here)
2017 Audit Report (download here)
2016 Audit Report (download here)